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About Us
Organic Farming Projects
Quality Management
Organic Sultanas and Raisins from Aegean Region
Organic Figs from Aydın region
Organic Apricots and Apricot Kernels from Malatya
Organic Hazelnuts from Black Sea
Partnership For Biodiversity
Biodiversity Factsheet EN
Biodiversity Factsheet TR

Quality starts at farm site

Rapunzel Support to the Organic Farmers –
This provides safety guarantees for the customer

Six agricultural engineers and three assistants are employed permanently by Rapunzel to support the organic farmers with a consulting service. The engineers also organize and coordinate the organic inspection of the Rapunzel project farmers. The organic inspection and certification is fully paid by Rapunzel.

The organic farmers participating in the Rapunzel project get support throughout the year: They are regularly consulted and trained. For each main crop product-group (apricots, figs, hazelnuts, sultananas) one or two specialist engineers are responsible.
Especially in the case of permanent crops, such as sultanas, figs, apricots and hazelnuts, plant protection plays a central role: The Rapunzel agricultural engineers provide the suitable technical support: They deliver – if necessary – as well the organic inputs for the farmers and help to perform the correct application.

The agricultural “project” team has a good connection to international organic research institutes to exchange solutions for organic cultivation.

Rapunzel guarantees organic farmers:

  • Coordination of the organic subsidy documentation
  • Direct purchase of the organic products from the farmer without middlemen; purchase of the agreed contract quantities according to realistic estimation of the farmer’s capacity
  • Reliable and on-time payment
  • Financial support: through advance payment if necessary, or in years when the quality or yield is low
  • Payment of proper analysis of purchased product
  • Integration into a trustful organic project (farmer meetings, training workshops, also with European consultants e.g. for compost preparation or Demeter preparations applications)
  • A stable and reliable long term partnership
  • Support to new farmers during conversion period

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